Geography and Natural Resources



Annotation. Regional climate change is affecting the South Caucasus, as well as all regions of the globe. The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the regions with complex relief. Therefore, it is necessary to study climate change in different regions. The study examined the impact of climate change on temperature and pre­cipitation in Absheron Peninsula and surrounding islands. Temperature and precipitation observations from 1991-2020 were used in the analysis. The results of mathematical and statistical analysis were compared with the indicators of the same name for 1961-1990. The study found an increase in the average annual tem­pe­rature regime of 0.70C in 1991-2020 compared to 1961-1990. This indicator differed from 1991 to 2005 and from 2006 to 2020. There have also been significant changes in monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall in the region. During this period, the amount of precipitation on the peninsula increased and decreased in its archi­pelago. There was an increase in precipitation in early winter, late spring and early autumn, and a decrease in early spring, summer and late autumn.

 Keywords: Global climate change, trend, average annual temperature, precipitation, mitigation, archi­pe­lago, trend, season



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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