Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The industry establishments differen­tiate from each other by the administrative districts as the industry objects based primarily on native raw material and resources in the Ganja-Gazakh economic region. The number of enterprises and the employees and the production of primary product types in kind by the administrative districts had been investigated. Although Gazakh district differs in the number of industry companies (10,3%), as the number of personnel Shamkir dis­trict is the first place (9,4%). The Gadabay district is responsible for 21,1% of the total volume of industry products by the administrative districts. It is intriguing to note that one of the factors playing an essential role in the advancement of industry in the economic region is privatization and entrepre­neurship. Even though the private sector comprises 69,2% of the total volume of industrial products, this percentage for the public sector is just 30,8%.

The development of industry, challenges in the area and their solution directions had been deter­mined in the research paper, as well as the industry enterprises located in the region and the number of workplaces in them was examined over the years. The industry areas had been researched separately, and the measure to be implemented in the areas and the ways to increase the volume of manufacturing products were developed.

Keywords: industry, administrative districts, manufacturing industry, extractive industry, entre­preneurship.



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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