Geography and Natural Resources



N.A.Pashayev, A.A.Abbasova

Abstract. The article discusses the development of grain growing in height in the Ganja-Gazakh economic-geogra­phical region, identifies the current state, problems in the field of grain growing, and ways to solve them. Ganja-Gazakh eco­nomic-geographic region in the republic in terms of grain pro­duction ranks fourth. It accounts for 11.1% of the grain pro­duced in the country, and up to 10.0% of grain crops. In the region, grain crops are located unevenly, depending on natural conditions and economic factors. 50.7% of grain crops in the region are at an altitude of 200-500 m.                     

In the study of grain production, one of the important questions is how to develop this crop production sector at a level corresponding to local demand. We examine the analysis of the distribution of grain growing in different altitudinal zones, we will find out the favorable natural conditions. How­ever, this is not enough to increase production. For this pur­pose, it is also necessary to use progressive agrotechnical methods.


Keywords: economical-geographical region, agri­culture, the population of the village, agropark, wheat-growing, height zones.



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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