Geography and Natural Resources


N.H.Eyyubov, N.B.Pashayeva

Abstract. The article analyzes the features of the development of rural settlements in Ganja-Dashkesan and Gazakh-Tovuz economic regions in general and regional aspects. The lag of the socio-eco­nomic base of the village from the demographic deve­lop­ment has been determined. The influence of the changing socio-po­litical environment, economic and geographical loca­tion on the development of the village has been studied. The promising directions of deve­lopment have been iden­ti­fied. The small size of the rural population of the Ganja-Dashkesan and Gazakh-Tovuz economic regions in comparison with the corresponding average re­pub­lican level is mainly due to the geographical position of the region bordering on Armenia. This happened due to the constant shelling of border villages by the Armenian army, the inability of the population to conduct eco­no­mic activities com­ple­tely safely, as well as the migration of able-bodied pe­ople due to unemployment. With the exception of the city of Ganja, the lack of jobs in line with the long-standing demographic potential has led to the migration of the local population, especially the youth, outside the economic region.

Keywords: demography, sustainable development, ru­ral population, settlement, observation, geographic loca­tion, border, rural settlement, regional charac­teristics.



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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