Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The field of Agrarian and Industrial Complex (AİC) plays an economical base role of settlements, small and medium-sized cities. Most of the population in the field are engaged, the main part of their incomes is formed at the expense of this field. Incomes from them allow for the creation of infrastructure. As the important com­po­nent of the AIC the specialization of the agricultural in­dustry depends on the geographical location, using the land, water and agro-climatic resources. Products pro­duced in this field allow the activities of light and food industry facilities. These fields play economical base ro­le of the most administrative district centers.

There are favorable conditions for growing agri­cul­tural products in the region. That is why vine-growing, grain-growing, potato-growing, livestock breeding and their processing are the major fields. These fields play an important role in the development of cities and vil­la­ges, and in ensuring the food security of the country. Fi­elds included in AIC play a special role in formation of Gandja-Dashkesan industrial junction.


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