Geography and Natural Resources


A.M. Aliyev


The economic structure of Gadabay district and its impact on employment of the population was analysed in the article. Favourable soil and climatic conditions, rich natural resources and tourism potential play an important role in the employment of the population in Gadabay district, located in the western part of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In order to reconstruction of the structure of the economy and the proper use of existing labour resources for the efficient use of natural resources of the region is a extremely important issue for sustainable development. Insufficient use of available resources has caused some challenges in the employment of the population. For this reason, rational use of natural conditions and natural resources, along with the advancement of industry, as well as the establishment of processing enterprises, will probably lead to the diversification of areas of the economy in this region. The construction and commissioning of processing plants for various types of products, mainly ex-ported as raw materials, is likely to provide the further development of the region’s industry in the future. In is a fact that in the region, where agriculture plays an important role in employment extensive farming has developed.
The article investigates the problems arising from the territorial organization of the economic structure of the region and the efficient use of labour resources, and offers suggestions for addressing these problems.
Keywords: Gadabay district, natural condition, natural resources, structure of economy, employment of population.


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Publication Date: May 20, 2022

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