Geography and Natural Resources


M.R.Babayev, N.V.Əliyeva


Annotation. For the first time, the article analyzes the trends of sustainable economic development in the Republic of Azerbaijan through the “Decoupling Effi­ciency” Index and identifies the interrelationship of all three processes in the balance of equality “economic development = use of natural resources = degree of anthropogenic impact on the environment”. For this purpose, the   “Decoupling Efficiency” index was calculated on the basis of the dynamics of change in GDP and water taken from natural sources in the country between 2015-2020. The analysis shows that despite the fact that both GDP and water from natural sources dec­reased by 9.1% and 9.8%, respectively, in the “Decoupling Factor” (-) 0.0781 was formed. The final result of DF is less than “0” (-) indicator that economic resource development in the republic has growth dynamics of anthropogenic impact on the en­vironment, as well as “Decoupling Efficiency” is not observed in economic development, it does not meet OESD-sustainability index. allowed to determine.

 Keywords: economic development, sustainable de­velopment, OESD, decoupling efficiency, decoupling fac­tor, decoupling index, resource capacity, GDP, an­thro­pogenic impact, sustainability index.



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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