Geography and Natural Resources




Abstract. Modern agriculture is based on the rational use of land, taking into account changes in the process of soil formation and soil properties. From this point of view, irrigated meadow-gray soils on the Mugan plain, which are the object of research, flooded and lost their fertility in the Sabirabad region, are of particular in­te­rest. Complex study of physical and agrochemical cha­racteristics of flood meadow gray soils is urgent. The amount of physical clay (particles <0.01 mm) in ir­ri­ga­ted meadow-gray soils is 81.24-88.0% in wet soils and 45.72-81.40% under cereals. Of the agrochemical indi­cators, the humus content is 0.41–2.92% and 0.53–2.45%, respectively, and the maximum carbonate con­tent is 12.32% and 13.90%. This can be used as an indi­cator of the suitability of the land for cultivation.

Keywords: morphogenetic diagnostics, agro­chemi­cal indicators, meadow-gray soils, humus, absorbed ba­ses, granulometric composition.

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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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