Geography and Natural Resources


R.S.Abdullayev, G.A.İmanova, M.F.Umudova



Against the backdrop of global climate change, the frequency of mudflows on the rivers of the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus has recently increased, as well as the amount of damage they cause. Recently, intensive resettlement of the population in the foothills (sloping plains, river cones, intercone depressions) without taking into account possible mudflow processes (Katekhchay, Talachay, 2021) leads to inevitable disasters of varying degrees.
The article is devoted to the geomorphological analysis of protective measures against natural destructive processes (mainly mudflows and floods) taking place in the Dashagylchay basin. For this purpose, satellite images were deciphered (Landsat 7 ETM-2002), field monitoring of the data obtained as a result of vectorization was also carried out, and an analysis was made of a geomorphological map compiled according to the GPS plan on a scale of 1: 5000 for the average annual runoff, as well as a new one on a scale 1:200000 integrated geomorphological part of this river basin. Possible negative processes (floods, load with suspended sediments) were identified, as well as three main levels of agricultural areas were identified and for each of them an assessment of their safety was given. The greatest danger of the third level (6–11 meter river terrace) was substantiated.

Keywords: vectorization, plan, GPS level, KS, monitoring, content.


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Publication Date: May 20, 2022

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