STUDY OF MICROORONYMS OF THE UPLAND SHIRVAN (Microoronyms reflecting positive landforms)
Abstract. The article deals with the microoronyms available in the Upland Shirvan region. The study of microoronyms present in the study area, the conditions for the formation of geographical names, causes, distribution of land, flora, and fauna, the discovery of common natural resources and efficient usage of natural resources are essential. Therefore, it is important that each microtoponym is recorded and involved in the study, and the rules for the efficient use of natural resources, etc. are of high importance. The past and present of natural phenomena through the study of a microtoponyms associated with physical and geographical conditions, changes in geological processes in the relief, climate, vegetation, fauna, restoration of past landscapes, populations and directions for future development have been studied. Classification map and a mapping scheme of the microtoponyms collected from the Upland Shirvan and surrounding areas were developed.
Keywords: microtoponyms, microoronyms, nomination, Upland Shirvan, Greater Caucasus
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