Abstract. There are estates and dwelling names had enough reserves microtoponims in the Mountain Shirvan that the object of research and surrounding areas. These areas are so rich in traces of microtopones that historically many nations have settled here. This is because of the vertical zonality of the area (lowland, plain, etc.). It is known that, depending ona the historic conditions people have choosen the places that have settled down the slopes of the mountains, water and grasslands from the first settlement times until now. Subsequently, as a result of the rise and expnsion of the agricultural culture as a historical conditions changing, people began to settle gradually in the lower areas of the mountains. For this reason, many dweling places and settlements ruins have been formed. Many nations have been subjected to displacement or they are mixed with other tribes and nations depending on the natural, economic and political factors. Some of the names existed such as estates and bloc in modern villages. As a result of the research, more than 80 village slums, dwellings, location and castle names were collected and had been attracted to the research. The map scheme and table had been compiled concerning to microoyconims of Mountain Shirvan.
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