Geography and Natural Resources




Abstract. The article discusses the degradation of slo­pes in the most widespread gray-brown  (chestnut) soils in the Jeyranchol massif under the influence of exogenous processes, depending on the exposure, slope, and degree of anthropogenic impact. The article analyzes the quantitative and qualitative changes of humus and other soil parameters in different natural and anthro­po­genic environments. For the first time in the Jeyranchol massif, the impact of exodynamic processes in the area was assessed depending on the visibility of the slope and the degree of anthropogenic impact. In contrast to the virgin areas, the rate of erosion in sowing soils is many times higher than in subsoil processes. In addition to the dehumidification process, the article presents other agro­chemical indicators, including total nitrogen, en­viron­mental reaction, carbonation, absorbed bases, and chan­ges in physical parameters depending on the relief. The­se changes reflect the conformity to natural processes. It is necessary to take them into account during agri­cul­tu­ral activities in the area.


Keywords: dehumidification, exodynamic, hydro­ther­mal conditions, exposition, erosion, degradation, an­thropogenic transformation.



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Publication Date: October 5, 2021

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