Geography and Natural Resources


M.Y.Khalilov, İ.A.Guliev

Abstract. At the beginning of the article, brief information is gi­ven on the physiographic conditions (geological struc­ture, geomorphological features, climate and soil). The ar­ticle also provides a description of the desert, semi-de­sert and steppe vegetation patterns and flora com­po­si­tion of the Jeyranchol lowland, as well as the tugai, arid forest and wetlands that are less common in the area. As a result of anthropogenic factor, natural plant spe­cies are substituted by sinantrop (ruderal, segregate) spe­cies. Recommend to measures for the rational use of the territory of Jeyranchel lowlands. These include the use of systemic pasture, superficial improvement of pas­tures, creation of protective forest belts.


Keywords: desert, semi-desert, steppe, plant, efe­mer, sinantrop


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