Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The concentration of the socio-economic base in Baku, the resulting unilateral development, the po­sition of the capital, etc. Factors have also led to the accumulation of demographic potential here. As a result, the population of both the city center and surrounding settlements increased rapidly, and the area was subject to demographic overload. During the period 1989-2020, the population of the city center grew at a slower rate than the surrounding settlements. Baku settlements ac­count for 22.6% of all settlements in the country and 66% of the population living in them. The fact that almost all major settlements in the country are located around Baku leads to a large population. The article studies the features of the demographic deve­lopment of Baku city settlements, as well as natural-geographical, socio-economic factors influencing the formation and further development of settlements. The impact of urbanization processes in Baku on the settle­ments was shown, and future development directions were identified.

Keywords: settlement, urban population, demo­gra­phic processes, urbanization, Baku city.



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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