R.M.Mammadov, M.S.Hasanov, M.C.Ismayilov
Abstract. The ecological situation in freshwater ecosystems in Azerbaijan, as well as all over the world, worries all segments of our society. Along with climate change, the rapidly growing demand for water exacerbates the situation in these ecosystems. The article comprehensively examines the dynamic changes that have taken place in recent years in the arid and semi-arid regions of Azerbaijan in the river-valley, aqual-lake, swamp, meadow, artificial aquifer ecosystems with the help of field research, decipherment of satellite images, historical-geographical approaches. It was found out that at the beginning of the hot period of 2020, the flow of Kura River water into the Caspian Sea stopped and there were serious problems in providing irrigation water and freshwater to large farms in the Kura-Araz lowland. The causes of the acute environmental crisis measures to combat it and future expectations in solving the problem were explained with scientific justification.
Keywords: freshwater ecosystems, water problem, rivers, river valley, sand-gravel quarries
Publication Date: August 30, 2020