Abstract. The Article studies the sustainable development concept of functional structure and the regional economic-ecological territorial differentiation of Azerbaijan. The natural, economic and social conditions as the sustainable basis of complex and regional economic development, as well as internal potential opportunities of production, the characteristics of its territorial organization, the features of territorial differentiation are analyzed. The improvement of natural, economic, social tension and the economic-ecological situation has been placed in groups per its sustainability degree on the basis of natural and anthropogenic indicators in the regions which directly affected by the natural and anthropogenic, (technogenic) processes.
The analysis shows that as a result of the activity of economic areas, especially development of mining, cultivation of agricultural products, utilization of chemicals and mineral fertilizers, disposal of domestic wastes, discharges into rivers, lakes, mainly into the Caspian Sea have caused serious ecological tension some areas. It is necessary to take serious measures to eliminate them and to preserve ecological balance, to create treatment facilities. The suggestion and recommendations have been noted in the article related to this field.
Keywords: economic and ecological, territorial differentiation, functional structure, sustainable development, economic-ecological situation, tension areas.
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