Abstracts. Food security in the country is one of the most important tasks of the state. Agricultural products are the main base for foodstuff production and domestic market protection. İnvestigations show that the population’s demand for a number of food and food products is not absolutely met by domestic production. As we know, agriculture is one of the main types of economic activity that the population is engaged in for a long time.
Some economic regions are specialized in the processing and production of agricultural products in accordance with its natural conditions. It would be reasonable that this trend to cover other economic regions too. The quality of food products is also important in this context. One of the main indicators of food supply is the level of meeting domestic food demand. The protection of the domestic market, the supplement of agricultural products to domestic demand and competitive ability are among the important factors. It is required to increase productivity and to increase productivity in agriculture for solving this problem.
Ker words: food safety, agriculture, food supply, economic regions, livestock, food industry, vegetation fields
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