Geography and Natural Resources




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Abstract. The demographic development features of the medium-sized cities, including the development of increasing dynamics of population, natural growth pro­cesses of population, the dynamics of marriage and di­vorce have been analyzed in the article. The analysis of demographic processes shows that in comparison with the level of the urban population, the demographic de­velopment in the middle cities has been its specific cha­racter. Thus, the investigated cities were been observed high natural growth and birth process in 1989, 2-3 times decrement in 2000, 1.5 times increment in early 2010, while the increment process has occurred again in 2017-2018. The problems in the demographic development of the medium-sized cities of the country and the factors which affect them, especially the relation among social-economic development are experienced.

Different features in demographic development were been studied Daghlig Shirvan (80.6%) and Guba-Khach­maz (65.3%) have a higher specific share according to the urban population on country’s urban population than the others have lower indicators. The conceptual directions of demographic development of the medium-sized cities are recommended.


Keywords: City, demographic process, natural growth, birth, death, marriage, divorce.



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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