Geography and Natural Resources


Z.N.Eminov, L.M.Abbasova

Abstract. Conduction of the administrative division is one of the important factors in the management of the re­gions of the country, the social and cultural needs of the population, the arrangement of the settlement regu­la­ti­on, the use of exis­ting natural resources and the natural-eco­no­mic po­ten­tial. Its functional centers have a leading role in ensuring the sustainable development of the ad­ministrative region which is a part of the ad­minis­tra­tive-territorial di­­vi­sion of the country. The strong so­cio-economic po­ten­tial of the cities, which performs the function of the district cen­ters also affects the deve­lop­ment of the surrounding are­as, ensures demographic po­tential in various areas and plays the role of centers for the provision of jobs.

While the vast majority of administrative regions are the city center in Azerbaijan, their socio-economic and de­mo­graphic potential is weak. In many cases, their popu­la­tion number is below than the minimum required by the Law. The­refore, the share of regions in the development of the co­untry is low, and there are sharp differences between Absheron and ot­her economic regions. Taking into ac­count these, it is im­por­tant to study the modern problems of ad­mi­nistrative dis­trict centers and develop sci­entific-metho­do­logical bases for their elimination.

Keywords: administrative districts, administrative-ter­r­i­torial division, administrative and managerial functions, cities of regional subordination, regional centers, de­mo­gra­phic development, classification of cities.


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