Z.N.Eminov, L.M.Abbasova
Abstract. Conduction of the administrative division is one of the important factors in the management of the regions of the country, the social and cultural needs of the population, the arrangement of the settlement regulation, the use of existing natural resources and the natural-economic potential. Its functional centers have a leading role in ensuring the sustainable development of the administrative region which is a part of the administrative-territorial division of the country. The strong socio-economic potential of the cities, which performs the function of the district centers also affects the development of the surrounding areas, ensures demographic potential in various areas and plays the role of centers for the provision of jobs.
While the vast majority of administrative regions are the city center in Azerbaijan, their socio-economic and demographic potential is weak. In many cases, their population number is below than the minimum required by the Law. Therefore, the share of regions in the development of the country is low, and there are sharp differences between Absheron and other economic regions. Taking into account these, it is important to study the modern problems of administrative district centers and develop scientific-methodological bases for their elimination.
Keywords: administrative districts, administrative-territorial division, administrative and managerial functions, cities of regional subordination, regional centers, demographic development, classification of cities.
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