Geography and Natural Resources


M.J.Ismayilov, S.M.Zeynalova


Abstract. Nowadays activity of mud volcanoes is at the center of the attention of scientists. Mud volcanoes are widespread in Azerbaijan in different landscape types and elevations, which further increases the importance of research in these areas. In addition, the recent ex­pan­sion of anthropogenic activity in areas where mud vol­ca­noes have erupted, and the fact that some volcanoes erupt more frequently than in previous years, have led to a significant increase in research in this area. The article considers the impact of the activity of mud volcanoes on the structural and functional properties of the sur­ro­un­ding landscapes and the formation of a special mud vol­cano landscapes. In the differentiation of the landscapes of the mud volcano and its environs, along with the fe­atures of its relief, the influence of breccias, salsa, and various gases spreading around as a result of volcanic erup­tions is very great. Vegetation also differs on brec­cias of different ages. The impact of the mud volcanoes that we study on the vegetation of the surrounding land­scapes depends on the number of mud volcanoes active in a particular area, as well as on the intensity, nature, and intensity of the eruption. Mud volcanism affects the ve­getation and soil cover, relief, surface runoff, etc. Land­scapes. The effect takes different forms on diffe­rent volcanoes.

Keywords: mud volcano, arid areas, semiarid land­scapes, anthropogenic activity, ecological problem



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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