M.J.Ismayilov, E.A.Jabrayilov
Abstract. Establishment of protected areas is one of the most important activities in the conservation of natural resources, biodiversity and gene pools, including the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for people in the world. The concept of conservation of landscape-ecological diversity and sustainable development promotes the improvement of socio-economic indicators and at the same time ensures the protection of the environment and ecosystems. The aim of the paper is to examine the relationship between landscape-ecological diversity in protected areas in Azerbaijan and the factors that contribute to this relationship through sustainable development. The article identifies landscape-ecological differences, including the principles and development of protected areas such as National Parks, Nature Reserves and Habitat/Species Management Areas in Azerbaijan. For the first time, a landscape-ecological carcass model was developed to ensure environmental balance. A medium-scale digital (1: 600,000) “ecological carcass” map of Azerbaijan has been developed, and its structural elements were explored. Currently, only 10.3% of the territory of Azerbaijan is composed of protected areas. Given the anthropogenic pressure on landscapes in Azerbaijan, it has been established that the structure of the territorial organization of protected areas does not comply with existing standards of environmental balance. To do this, proposals to increase the area of protected sites to 15% of the country’s territory were justified.
Keywords: protected areas, national park, nature reserve, landscape-ecological diversity, sustainability, ecological carcass.
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