Geography and Natural Resources


M.J.Ismayilov, E.A.Jabrayilov

Abstract. Establishment of protected areas is one of the most important activities in the conservation of na­tu­­ral resources, biodiversity and gene pools, including the pro­motion of a healthy lifestyle for people in the world. The concept of conservation of landscape-eco­lo­gi­cal di­ver­sity and sustainable development promotes the im­pro­ve­ment of socio-economic indicators and at the same time en­sures the protection of the environment and eco­sys­tems. The aim of the paper is to examine the re­lationship between landscape-ecological diversity in pro­tected areas in Azerbaijan and the factors that con­tri­bu­te to this relationship through sustainable de­ve­lop­ment. The article iden­tifies landscape-ecological dif­fe­ren­ces, including the principles and development of pro­tected areas such as National Parks, Nature Reserves and Habitat/Species Management Areas in Azerbaijan. For the first time, a landscape-ecological carcass model was developed to ensure environmental balance. A me­di­um-scale digital (1: 600,000) “ecological carcass” map of Azerbaijan has been developed, and its structural ele­ments were explored. Cur­rently, only 10.3% of the ter­ri­tory of Azerbaijan is composed of pro­tected areas. Gi­ven the anthropogenic pressure on land­scapes in Azer­ba­ijan, it has been established that the struc­ture of the ter­ritorial organization of protected areas does not comply with existing standards of environmental ba­lan­ce. To do this, proposals to increase the area of pro­tec­ted sites to 15% of the country’s territory were jus­ti­fied.

Keywords: protected areas, national park, nature re­serve, landscape-ecological diversity, sustainability, eco­logical carcass.


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