Z.T.Imrani, G.Ch.Bayramova, I.Y.Mammadova
Advancement of the tourism sector, eco-nomic growth, inclusive improvement, employment se-curity and others depend directly on the tourism industry market. This is because the tourism industry market indicates itself as a leading sector determining the development strategy of tourism rather than being a specific form of the trade. It is factored in one of the essential sources attracting foreign tourists, bringing in money, expanding multinational relations, stimulating regional development and ameliorating the welfare of the population. Especially, in this respect, an analysis in the direction of the activity of the tourism sector in Azerbaijan for 2011–2020 was implemented, the improving ways the service level related to tourism was scrutinised and the proposals were submitted in the direction of addressing the existing problems in the article, which attracts attention with its actuality. Therefore, the specificity of the tourism service market was studied, the value of investments focusing on cha-racteristic areas for tourism was determined, the number of tourists visiting and leaving Azerbaijan, and their expenses were evaluated and forecast calculation was provided. Additionally, the role of tourism agencies and tour operators in the tourism service market was analysed and the striking issues in their activity were illustrated. In the end, it was concluded that it is possible to achieve the development of the level of tourism service owing to the direct or indirect intervention of the government in the tourism service market.
Keywords: tourism, service, hotel, demand, supply, investment, tourism agency.
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Publication Date: May 20, 2022
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