Geography and Natural Resources




Abstract. Along with the definition of a medical and environmental assessment of environmental compo­nents, the medical and geographical conditions of the origin and spread of diseases have been analyzed in the article. The influence of geographical factors on the hu­man body is explained by the spread of diseases in certain regions of a geographical nature. The diversity and degree of the geographical distribution of car­dio­vas­cu­lar diseases in Azerbaijan are explained. The article has been analyzed the study of the medical and geographical con­ditions of the territories of the economic and geo­gra­phical regions of the republic, the determination of the areas of occurrence of diseases and the methods (met­hods) of combating them. Environmental stress, stress, nervousness, radiation, diet, poor quality food, modified foods, etc. The role of such factors in the development of the disease is being clarified. Identified the definition of indicators for assessing the localization of the disease among the population and ways to increase their aware­ness.


  Keywords: medical-geographical, cardiovas­cular, global warming, ultraviolet radiation, gene­tics



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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