Abstract. If today there are two natural problems in the world, then one of them is global and local climate change, and the other is water problems whose demand in the world increases every year. In the past few decades, in various regions of the planet, the recurrence and duration of dangerous hydrometeorological events and natural disasters caused by modern problems of climate change have been constantly increasing. And this, in turn, causes enormous damage both to individual states and to the world economy as a whole. The article, based on scientific and historical data, provides a chronic scientific analysis of climate change in the world and real hydrometeorological observations and examines the current consequences of regional climate change in Azerbaijan.
To do this, using the observational data of numerous hydrometeorological stations and posts with the help of comparison methods, statistical analysis, real climate changes in different altitude intervals, individual natural territorial units on the territory of Azerbaijan, and their impact on river flow are estimated. We hope that the real results obtained based on many years of hydrometeorological observations and scientific facts will be of theoretical and practical importance.
Keywords. Climate change, temperature, precipitation, dangerous hydrometeorological events, balance elements, multiplicity norm, snow and ice cover.
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Publication Date: October 5, 2021
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