Geography and Natural Resources



ANAS İnstitute of Geology and Geophysics, H.Javid ave. 119, AZ1143

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According to the International Committee on Radiation Protection, 40-75% of common dose of people’s exposure by natural radioactive sources comes from radon and its decay products.  In 1987, radon and its decay pro­ducts were identified by experts of the International Agency on Cancer Re­search to the group of carcinogenic elements for humans. People’s protection from exposure by radioactive natural gas – radon and its decay products is a national problem and demands studying a number of questions related to ra­don source and radon availability in the buildings. Indoor radon studies in Azerbaijan were carried out for the first time in 2010-2011. In 2014-2015 the investigation of the radon problem in Azerbaijan has been continued in the framework of Azerbaijan State Program (2014-2018). The article presents typical results of the distribution of indoor radon gas and correlation analysis bet­ween the rates of lung cancer among the population and radon distribution on the territory of Azerbaijan.



  1. Aliyev Ch.S., Feyzullaev А.А., Baghirli R.J, Мahmudova F.F. Regularities of radon dis­tri­bution on the territory of Azerbaijan and control­ling factors // Geophysics, No1, 2017, pp. 72-73 (In Russian)
  2. Aliyev Ch.S., Feyzullayev A.A., Baghırlı R.J., Mahmudova F.F. Results of measurements of Radon Volume Activity in Azerbaijan // Izvestiya, Atmos­phe­ric and Oceanic Physics, 2018, Vol.54, No.7. pp. 654-660
  3. Cohen В. Relationship between exposure to radon and various types of cancer. Health Physics, Vol.65(5), 1993, pp. 529-531
  4. Edward J., Calabrese L., Baldwin A. Radiation Hormesis and cancer. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol.8, No2, 2002, pp. 327-353
  5. Veliyeva F.F., Aliyev Ch.S., Feyzullayev A.A., Baghirli R.J., Pampuri L., Hoffmann M., Val­san­gi­acomo C. Indoor Radon Mapping in Azerbaijan / 11th International Workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping. Czech Geological Survey. Pra­gue, 2012. pp. 260-268.


Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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