R.M.Mammadov, F.A.Imanov
Abstract. The article provides brief information about the water resources of Azerbaijan, their use, and management of these resources, as well as their reduction under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the level of development of various branches of hydrology in the country, one of the most important tasks of which is the study of water resources. It is indicated that, at present, only some areas of hydrology are developing in Azerbaijan. The causes of this phenomenon have been investigated; proposals have been prepared for the development of important fundamental fields of application of hydrology, as well as the training of qualified personnel in this direction. It became known that water resources in Azerbaijan are constantly decreasing due to the impact of economic activity and climate change. On the other hand, their quality indicators do not comply with existing environmental standards. In this context, integration with scientific organizations and executive bodies regarding the matter of the sale of water resources and their use is important.
Keywords: hydrology, water resources, water quality, anthropogenic factors, climate change, water management, hydrological issues.
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Publication Date : January 27, 2020