Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. Quality rates and evaluation of quan­tita­tive indicators of soils which are eroded and erosion-ha­zardous create the basis for the purpose of agro-land­sca­pes,their use and development of agro-complexes of the republic in the solution of food supply. Our aim in this article is to increase attention to the lands of the region, systematic study of natural resources, to investigate ecological changes in the environment and reasons for them. The direction of scientific-methodical work which carried out according to the physical-geographical zo­ning system of mounta­inous areas is mountain land­sca­pes which are likely to erode in complex natural con­ditions and is dangerous. The erosion process in here can be prevented by laying terraces on slopes, filling ravines, and by other eco-meli­orative measures.

Keywords: erosion hazard, ecological economic, ravine, fertility, anthropogenic, ameloration.



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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