A.S. Safarov
It is necessary to publish the explanatory triglot geomorphological dictionary, the monograph titled “Paleogeomorphology of Azerbaijan” and geomorphological map of Azerbaijan. The atlas of large-scale maps of the territory of the republic with showing all destructive exogenic, anthropogenic, and seismotectonic processes and forms, and at the same time the compiling of large-scale geomorphological maps of all administrative districts of the republic are extremely actual. The next one is the aesthetics of relief and ecogeomorphology of the city of Baku. For example, river beds, deltas, coastal ridges, cliffs, etc., when buried by recent marine sediments, are promising for the formation of structural oil and gas deposits in them. It is necessary to compile a consolidated large-scale map of the territory of the republic showing all the destructive exogenous and anthropogenic processes. The ecogeomorphology of the city of Baku with its environs is of particular relevance. The aesthetics of the relief of the territory of Azerbaijan should become an independent study. So far, the causal fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea cause discrepancies, which are likely to be in the future.
Keywords: oil and gas deposits, large-scale geomorphological maps, anthropogenization, relief aesthetics, fluctuations in the Caspian Sea level.
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Publication Date: May 20, 2022
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