Abstract. Studies were conducted to obtain information on the first geographical books and textbooks published in the native language in Azerbaijan. The study covered 1900-1926. As a result of archival research, books published at that time were found and copied. In terms of use and content, books on geography were divided into four groups. The publication of books and textbooks in the Azerbaijani language was noted before, during and after G.R. Mirzazade. A brief analysis of the content of some samples was given. As a reason why previously written geographic books were excluded from the study, was indicated the use of Arabic and ancient Latin alphabets. Books on geography, written earlier in Azerbaijan, did not have illustrative materials. It was noted that the first illustrative materials are found in the book of Mirzazade G.R. “Geography of the Caucasus.” At the end of the article, the results of the study are clearly stated.
Keywords: the first textbook of geography, textbook policy, textbook’s content, Mirzazade G.R., illustrative materials, textbook structure.
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Publication Date : January 27, 2020