R.N.Mahmudov, F.S.Dadashova, E.R.Yunuszade
Abstract. In the presented article, in accordance with the Water Pollution Index, the level of pollution in rivers, lakes and reservoirs with characteristic pollutants is investigated. The analyzes show that the Kura River, which is the main water artery of the republic, and the rivers of the Little Caucasus, in comparison with the rivers of other regions, were most polluted, and the rivers of the southern and northeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus were the least. According to the results of observations on the Apsheron lakes, the lakes Boyuk Shor, Khojagasan, Masazir and Kurdekhany are the most polluted. Yasamal Lake is the least polluted.
The level of pollution of rivers, lakes is compared with the level of pollution in 2015-2017, despite the fact that over these years the level of pollution of river waters has remained unchanged, but an increase in the level of pollution is observed on lakes, especially on Lake Khojagasan. Comparative analysis of the concentrations of cal pollutants with MPC shows that in all points, with the exception of the rivers of the Lankaran Natural Zone, the pollution is observed above the norm.
Keywords: Kura River, Greater Caucasus, Lesser Caucasus, water bodies, river basins, pollutants, chemical composition, mineralization
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Publication Date: August 30, 2020