Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. Natural growth and migrations are the fac­tors that determine the change in population numbers. Birth and natural growth rates depend on the level of socio-economic development of a country. A low level of natural growth leads to problems associated with a lack of enough number of labor resources in the Western Eu­ro­pe with a high level of socio-economic development. Therefore, migrants from the Middle East, CIS countries and Eastern Europe are accepted to solve the problem. Economic difficulties in post-socialist countries and the joining of many coun­tri­es into the EU has increased the migration. The natural growth balance is negative because of low birth. In recent years, the number of people has been decre­a­sed in these countries. Meantime, the social-po­li­tical tension, war condition has caused the influx of nu­merous migrants from Near and Middle East, and from North Africa to Europe.

Keywords: migration, demographic development, natural growth, international migration, migration balance, population policy, immigration centers


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