Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article analyzes the regulation of the demographic development of the Aran economic region. On the basis of a comparison of the demographic deve­lopment of the economic region with the corresponding indicators of the republic as a whole, the directions of regulation of various demographic parameters have been determined. The issues of marriage and divorce, fertility and mortality, regulation of gender structure, maternal and infant mortality are considered. The study of demographic processes in the urban areas of the Aran economic region shows that in recent years there has been a natural increase in the population, a decrease in the dynamics of births and marriages, an increase in mortality, infant mortality, and divorce rates. The share of children born from unregistered marriages has in­creased in the total number of children born. The relative ratios of some demographics were above national levels for births and marriages, mortality and infant mortality, and low rates of natural increase and divorce. The article examines the problems in this area and develops pro­po­sals for their solution.

Keywords: Aran economic region, demographic de­velopment, fertility, mortality, natural increase, mater­nal and child mortality, gender structure, regulation, productive forces



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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