Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The introduction of the article gives brief information about the importance of forests, the area of forests in the territory of Azerbaijan, their dis­tribution by height. The article analyzes the initial state of forest ecosystems in the upper reaches of the Agsu­chay and the subsequent anthropogenic trans­formation. The causes, directions, and consequences of an­thropo­ge­nic transformation of forest ecosystems in the research areas are fully shown. Due to the mo­un­tainous nature of the study area (altitude 750-2200 m above sea level), the trees formed here have very im­portant tree species in terms of composition. As a result of the anthropogenic transformation, the formation, de­ve­lopment, and gradual expansion of landslides on bare slopes as a result of deforestation and destruction.


Keywords: forest, planting, shibliak, forest eco­sys­tems, transformation, completeness



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Publication Date: December 15, 2021

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