Geography and Natural Resources



Resume.  The use of quantitative indicators in the ter­ritorial organization of municipalities is the basis of stra­tegic planning. Specific formulas or formulas are ab­le to use for calculation the quantitative indicator of stra­tegic planning for municipalities. The strategic plan is to guide the municipality in the upcoming years to solving the main goals and objectives, prepared by the local self-government for a long period of time. This strategic plan­ning incorporates the municipality’s risks, hazards, op­portunities, strengths and weaknesses. Taking into account the purpose of the research, for the first time ever, we have developed an optimal municipal measurement option proposed by the municipality for a number of municipalities in the Absheron economic area selected by the analysis of available statistical indicators. The optimal measurement option developed is most likely be used in determining optimal dimensions of urban, settlement and rural municipalities in the future.


Key words: municipality, prediction, perspective di­rection, model equation, population growth factor


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