Geography and Natural Resources




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 Abstract. The article analyzes the features of the social services development of the Absheron economic region, the problems in this area and ways to solve them. The social area is one of the factors affecting the quality of life of the population in the study area, analysis of population, housing conditions, education and health in­dicators. The same indicators were calculated based on population census materials and current statistical data and changes in this area were studied. Indicators of the administrative regions were compared with the res­pec­tive economic indicators for different years. The posi­tion of the Baki city is reflected in the region. Socio-economic processes in the country have a direct impact on the population’s lives. Thus, the socio-economic dif­ficulties, the loss of jobs and the decline in social spheres had a negative impact on the quality of life of the po­pulation. Despite many social reforms, problems in this area still exist. In the article, the problems revealed by the research, the directions of their elimination are de­ter­mined, scientifically justified and recommendations are given.


Keywords: quality of life, social development, ho­using, education, health



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Publication Date: March 1, 2021

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