Geography and Natural Resources


S.H.Safarov, I.V.Akhlimanova, E.S.Safarov


Annotation. The article considers the regime of temperature and precipitation in the city of Shusha during the period of Armenian occupation (1991-2020) based on reanalysis data and the application of various statistical methods. For this purpose, the degree of cor­relation between the series of actual data and the corresponding reanalysis data for the period 1961-1990 was identified, and then calibration curves were cons­tructed by comparing the members of these series with equal availability. Quasi-actual temperature values ​​for 1991-2020 were restored based on the reanalysis data using the obtained calibration curves. It was found that during the period under review, the air temperature increased by 0.7 degrees compared to the climatic norm, and pre­cipitation decreased significantly (by 20-23%). The article also considers changes in the temperature regime and precipitation regime by months. It has been established that the greatest increase in temperature occurs in February, March and August, and in November and December, on the contrary, its decrease is observed. The decrease in the amount of precipitation is mainly observed in the warm period of the year.

Keywords. air temperature, atmospheric pre­cipitation, reanalysis, quantile biplots, quasi-actual data



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Publication Date: October 28, 2022

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