Geography and Natural Resources


M.H.Gojamanov, A.I.Ismailov

Abstract. In this paper were substantiated and described the modern requirements for accuracy of the  geodetic sup­port of the transnational communication projects. İt was noted that the requirements for accuracy of the  geodetic support of works change depending on the kind of solve the engineering tasks and measurement conditions. In general, the accuracy requirements depend on numerous factors and are characterized by mean square and limi­ting errors. As usual, the values of these errors are spe­cified in special regulatory documents. However, now existing normative documents prepared during the So­viet period, and do not fully meet modern requirements. On the other hand, in these documents there is no section relating with geodetic support to ensure transmagistral communation lines. The laying of transnational commu­nication lines in Azerbaijan is a new specialized work, and this requires the development of original scientific and methodological approaches to its geodesic support. In this regard, the paper presents criteria geodetic support, the factors influencing their accuracy, estima­tion precision of the geodetic support and other tasks. At the end of the article summarized the requirements for precision geodetic support.


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