Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article analyzes the characteristics of rural settlements and demographic development in the Nakh­­chivan Autonomous Republic. Problems in this area and ways of solving them were identified. The number of rural groups and their population play a major role in the regulation of settlement, demogra­phic development and also in the territorial orga­ni­za­tion of economic fields. In the study area, the population of 60% of the villages ranges from 500 to 2000. One of the factors that play an important role in rural settlement and demographic development is the socio-economic status of the villages. Despite the reconstruction of roads, social facilities, etc. in the villages of the Autonomous Republic the prob­lems in this field have not been fully solved. Although the vast majority of the rural po­pu­lation is engaged in agriculture in Nakhchivan, income from this area does not satisfy the needs. Therefore, the economic basis of villages is poor. The demographic indicators of the rural population in the administrative districts of Nakhchivan differ depending on the con­di­tion of a settlement. The population is more densely settled in those administrative regions which have more fertile agricultural lands, and this also affects the demographic de­ve­lopment.

Keywords: rural settlements, demographic deve­lop­­ment, rural population, socio-economic situation, set­tle­ment system.


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