Geography and Natural Resources

Guides for authors

General rules

The text of the article is written on the computer using a special text editor – Microsoft Word 2013-2019, which runs on the Microsoft Windows operating system. As the font Times New Roman is accepted for the text in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages. The page sizes should fit A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm) format. 2 cm area should be hold in the left, right, top and bottom of the post page.

General volume of the text should not exceed 6,000 words. Articles with more than 6,000 words which has very important scientific results can be published with the approval of the editorial staff.

If article has two or more authors, only one of them should be the author of the article, the address and e-mail should be noted. The author is responsible for approving and publishing the final version of the manuscripts by other co-authors. Adding or removal of the Co-authors to the article should be made before registration to the editorial board.

Handwriting must be composed in accordance with grammatical and orthographical rules.

All works included in the Literature List should be cited in the text of the article.

The author who submitted the article is responsible for the non-publication of the work described previously. If accepted, the article may not be published in the same or in another language without the written consent of the author. Your article will be inspected for confirmation of originality.

The inclusive language of the article should encourage respect, sensitivity and equal opportunities for all. Articles should not contain any assumptions about the belief or obligation of any reader, and should not be construed to suggest that a person is superior to one another on the basis of race, sex, cultural or other attributes.

A brief description on the financial support for the research or article development and the role of the sponsor is allowed at the end of the article.

Although there is no specific requirement in the format of the articles, manuscripts should include elements such as summary, keywords, material and methods, analysis and discussion, results, illustrations and tables.

If there are any videos or other material in the article, it should be included in the initial submission for review. The article should be clearly separated into sections.

Please ensure that the picture, map or table contained in the file is clear and placed at the end of the relevant text of the manuscript.

The review of the scientific quality of each article included in this journal is carried out by at least two confidential experts. The relevance of the materials to the journal’s requirements is evaluated by the editor initially. The editor is responsible for the final decision on accepting or declining articles. The editor’s decision is final.

Structure of the article.

Section numbering

Divide article into clear and numbered sections. Sections 1, 1.1 (later 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …). 1.2 and others, (the summary is not included in the numbered sections). Parts may contain short titles. Each headline must be in the new line.


Submit the relevance and goals of the work. This section does not summarize literature and results.

Material and method

Provide details on how the job is done and whether it’s done by an independent researcher. The methods shown should be summarized and indicated by reference. Existing methods and changes to them should be clearly described.

Analysis and discussion

Here, the results of the work should be studied, but not to be repeated.


The main results of the study should be presented in a clear, concise and understandable form.

Article title

The title of the article is written with bold and capital letters of the corresponding alphabet (font size 14 pt, interval 1), the width of the text field is symmetric relative to the center line of the page.

The surname and initials of the author (s)

Following the name of the article, after one line space, the author (s) name , surname, patronymic (14 pt. 1 interval) is placed in the symmetric relative to the center line of the page (s).

Name and address of foe author (s) workplace

Keeping 1 line below foe author’s name, with italic font (14 pt, 1 interval) the name and address of foe author (s) in which the author (s) works, including the postcode placed symmetrically to the center of the page. If the authors of the article work in separate departments, each of them should be filled in and the address of each author should be clearly marked. The author’s email address will be displayed symmetrically in the next line in the center of the page.


An article summary is provided below the address after a single line:

with a short summary of foe article (in its initial language), with a volume of 100- 150 words (here the word “summary ” at the beginning), (12 pt., 1 interval). There is a short information about the purpose and the result of research. The summary text

should contain neither an overview of the problem, nor the reference to the literature. To the right and to the left of the summary text, keep a distance of 1.5 cm next to the general text.

Depending on the writing language of the article, the summary in English, Russian and Azerbaijani, is also added to the article. The summary should be written in 12 pt. font In each of the briefs should be written the author’s (s) name, surname and patronymic of the author (s) in a short form (as in the article), at the same time the name of the article.


Below is a keyword with a volume of 5-7 words. Keywords will be used for indexing purposes.


The first line of all paragraphs starts with writing 1 cm ahead on the left edge of the column. The font size of the article text should be 14 pt., and the distance between the lines should be 1.5 interval. It should not be used in text without dividing into syllables. The text of the article should be made in the format (all lines on the left and right sides, not exceeding the text field), should be carefully edited, also geographical terms and units should be checked (in international SI system).

Images, tables, formulas

In the article, each of the images (maps, diagrams, schemes, etc.) is given in the form of a single object (artificial combinations of separate images) not depending on the program they are composed. (*.jpeg, *.jpg). The dimensions should be 7.75 cm in horizontal direction, if it is not possible it must be not greater than the width of the text area (16.5 cm), and should be symmetric relative to the center of the page.

Images are marked with “picture” and are sequentially numbered (for example; Picture 1). The number and name of the pictures are written below them.

Each table must be the title. The tables are numbered sequentially (for example Table l). The number and the name of the tables are given above them. The tables should be compact and should not be larger than the width of the writing area. Tables should be placed inside the text and should not be passed from one page (previous) to another (continued).

Formulas must be written in the form of a final entry, without exhaustion. The explanation of the formula symbols is given below. The degree and indexes of the

characters must be clearly separated. The formula number is given in brackets on the right side at the same line. The line for the writing of formula should not longer than 7.75 cm. (including the number of the formula).


Reference to resources in the text of the article is given in square brackets.(in accordance with the number of reference in the literature list) (eg: [1], [2]).The list of used literature is given at the end of the article, in alphabetical order and numbered (12 pt.).The following information should be provided for journal articles; surname and initials of the author (s), the title of the article, the name of the journal (italic font), number, year of publication and page. FOR EXAMPLE;

Tanriverdiyev H.K, Safarov A.S Ecological and geomorphological investigations of Little Caucasus (in Azerbaijan), Bulletin of BGU, Series of Natural Sciences, №1, 2006, c. 160-166

Monographs and so on. For these types of publications – surnames and initials of the author (s), book title, publishing, city, publishing page are shown. For example; Khalilov S.H. Azerbaijan’s eco-geographical problems “Nafta-Press”, Baku, 2006, 160 p.

For collections, including conferences (symposiums, seminars, etc.) or for works oil authorships, the author (s) of the article, the name of the article (scientific information, thesis or report thesis), the name of the community (in italics), city, and the page is displayed. For example

Efendiyev VA, Eminov Z.N. Development characteristics of rural population and rural settlements in Azerbaijan in modem times. Republican scientific conference on “Geography science development in Azerbaijan”. Baku, BSU, 2013, p.153-157 Internet information (web references). The web address (URL) of the article or the data should be clearly marked, the date of the last review, and any other possible information (such as the title and the author’s title, reference body, etc). Mud volcanoes, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2019, 1 January). Source:

The article must be submitted in two copies to the journal’s editorial: electronic (on CD-ROM or via e-mail) and on A4-format paper.

The editorial is authorized to send the received article to the review, based on its results, decides on the publication of an article (or re-processing of the article based on the comments of the reviewer).