Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. Efficient use of labor resources is one of the impor­tant economic, social and demographic problems. This problem can be solved in different ways. In areas with high natural growth like Lankaran-Astara economic re­gion, the solution requires the conducting of more active employment policy. Lankaran-Astara is one of the most important agricultural regions of the country. It is necessary to increase the efficiency in the agricultural areas, develop the cultivation of crops, mostly adaptable to the natural and geographical condition, and create processing enterprises in this sector. In terms of in­creasing employment and food security, the extension of tea plantations and rice fields, as well as the develop­ment of citrus-growing seems necessary. The prevalence of humid subtropical climate in this region enables the implementation of the mentioned activities.

The establishment of enterprises of textile and light industry as labor-intensive facilities is of particular im­portance. The development of social development, in­cluding tourism and other services positively affects the living standards and employment rate.


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