Geography and Natural Resources


I.I.Mardanov, T.D.Agayev, N.Sh.Eldarov

Abstract. In this article, based on the processing of field re­se­arch materials and space images, the features of the exo­dynamic environment formed on the territory are analyzed, and the possibilities of studying exo­ge­no­us pro­cesses are shown. As a result of processing sa­tel­lite ima­ges, a map of the horizontal dismembering of the territory on a scale of 1: 200000 was compiled, and on the basis of this map an attempt was made to identify the most stressful in regard to eco geomor­pho­logically ter­ri­tories. During the research period, based on the ac­cu­mu­lated information, the degrees of land­scape trans­formation in the mountain-forest belt of the north-eas­tern slope of the Greater Caucasus are grouped, the tem­poral dynamics of mountain forest densities is shown, the factors affecting the transformation of these land­scapes are analyzed, the degrees of fragmentation and uniformity of landslide landscapes developing on the territory are determined to research.

Keywords: north-eastern part, mountain-forest belt, exodynamic process, video recordings, landscapes, land­slides


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