Geography and Natural Resources


R.M.Mammadov, F.A.Imanov

Abstract. The article provides brief information abo­ut the wa­ter resources of Azerbaijan, their use, and management of these resources, as well as their re­duc­tion under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Spe­cial attention is paid to the analysis of the level of de­ve­lop­ment of various branches of hyd­ro­lo­gy in the co­un­try, one of the most important tasks of which is the study of water re­sources.  It is indicated that, at present, only some are­as of hydrology are developing in Azer­baijan. The causes of this phenomenon have been inves­ti­ga­ted; proposals have been prepared for the development of important fundamental fields of application of hyd­ro­logy, as well as the training of qualified personnel in this direction. It became known that water resources in Azer­baijan are constantly decreasing due to the impact of eco­nomic activity and climate change. On the other hand, their quality indicators do not comply with exis­ting environmental standards. In this context, integration with sci­entific organizations and executive bodies re­gar­ding the matter of the sale of water resources and their use is important.


Keywords: hydrology, water resources, water qu­a­li­ty, anthropogenic factors, climate change, water mana­ge­ment, hydrological issues.



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Publication Date : January 27, 2020

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