Geography and Natural Resources



Abstract. The article analyzes urban development in the Aran economic-geographical region and the urbanization level in the administrative regions. During 1999-2017, the urban population in the region has increased by 81.5% occurred by the natural in­crease and the remaining growth was due to the attribution of settlement status to the villages.

 A study of demographic processes in urban areas indicates that in recent years there has been a decline of natural growth of the population, birth rates and mar­riage dynamics, as well as increasing of death, infant mortality and divorce. Also in the total number of births, the proportion of children born out of wedlock has increased. Some demographic coefficients, such as births, marriages, as well as mortality and infant mortality, we­re higher than the national average, while natural growth and divorce rates were low. In order to solve demographic problems, conceptual directions for the development of cities in the region are recommended.


Key words: urban settlement, urbanization, de­mographic process, natural increase, birth, death, marriage, divorce.


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