Geography and Natural Resources

2019, №1

Physical geography

Mammadov R.M., Hasanov M.S., Ahmadova J.N., Taghiyeva U.R. – Investıgatıng the ınfluence of modern clımate changes on some diseases ın Azerbaıjan

Gojamanov M.H., Ismayilov A.I. – Assessment of accuracy of geodetic projections used in Azerbaijan

Azizov Sh.K. – Inhomogeneıty as a characterıstıc of the typologıcal dıversıty of land-scapes

Gurbanov Ch.Z. – Creating a common coordinate framework with aim for monitoring of water supply pipelines in Azerbaijan

Nadirov M.A. – Ecodynamic problems and improvement of forest landscapes of Lankaran natural-geographical region

Human geography

Badalov E.S. – Urban settlement and problems of demographıc development of Aran economıc-geographıc area

Osmanova Kh.M. – Economıc-socıal geographıcal matters of munıcıpalıtıes in Absheron economıc geographıcal dıstrıct

Huseynova T.M. – Features of demographic development in the Guba-Khachmaz economic region

Babaeva Z.R. – The food supply potential of Azerbaijan regions and their usage ussue

Huseynova B.A. – Hıstorıcal-geographıcal features of ethnos settlement ın the economıc-geographıcal regıon of Shekı-Zagatala


Safarov S.H., Dadashova F.S.  – Evaluatıon of the multı-year trend changes ın the densıty of oxygen on absheronsky penınsula

Khalilov M.Y., Guliev İ.A. – Anthropogenic transformation of the plant cover of the Jeyranchel lowlands

Rahimov E.A. – Impact of unconventıonal automobıle fuels on the envıronment

Gozalova S.Sh. – Oil-gas extractıon areas of the Caspian sea, in the aquatorium of the Azerbaijan, their ecological problems and influence to the marine ecosystem

Eurasian GIS 2018 Congress

Inam S., Ertas M. – Measures and proposals on turnıng the value ıncrease to the publıc on urban renewal areas by urban settlement plan

Özdemir B., Ceylan A. – An indoor positioning study based on the wi-fi fingerprinting method

Ayazli I.E., Yakup, A.E. – Simulatıng land cover change by protective and non-protective scenarios